Artist Profile: Elissa Nowacki

Studio 03
Oct 21-22, 2023
Sat & Sun, 10AM-5PM


Acrylic on Canvas

Artist Elissa Nowacki enjoys adolescent humor, paranormal romance novels, 80's punk/alt rock and taking over her family's kitchen table to paint. When she isn't assistant principaling at a K-8 public school in Phoenix, she can be found in her tacky pajamas, using art as meditation from the stressors of adulting.

Her formal art education is minimal. She and her exceptionally tolerant husband once enrolled in an evening painting class at Phoenix College, which they affectionately refer to as "marriage counseling." Elissa's family is checkered with interesting artist types. She credits her mother for most of her artistic education.

Elissa is inspired by random things, including but not limited to flowers, skulls, Daleks, and family pets. In addition to painting, she has built wire sculptures, constructed intricate Halloween costumes for her children and made jewelry. She finds joy in paint...but also in clay, hot glue, and glitter.

You may contact her at or (602) 663-3051. You can follow her on Instagram

Elissa Nowacki

"Olive Tree at Sunset" 12x12" acrylic on canvas by Elissa Nowacki


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