Artist Profile: Laura Cohen-Hogan

Studio 14
Oct 21-22, 2023
Sat & Sun, 10AM-5PM


Oil, Mixed Media

Laura Cohen-Hogan received her BFA in painting and drawing with a Masters of Art Education from Arizona State University and University of Hawaii. Her art has been exhibited in juried exhibitions and solo exhibitions since 2001, receiving first place and honorable mention recognitions. Having served on the Shemer Art Center Board for thirteen years, she also has curated and juried art exhibitions around the valley. Laura was also named the featured artist at the Herberger Arizona Center. As an active Arizona Artists Guild board member she was inducted into the AAG Hall of Fame.

The energy that surrounds us,  ultimately fuses together the passage of our experiences. Fusing the feelings and emotions of the artist with those of the images represents a moment in time. Working from live models since the age of 13, the artist, Laura Cohen-Hogan, sees the figure as an organic shape, much as a pear or flower, to be arranged into a balanced, inviting, and pleasing composition. Her goal is to discover an arrangement of individual figures that evolve into an organic state of harmony and understanding.

Laura Cohen-Hogan


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